Surf the Streets with the One-Wheeled Hoverboard

Although we probably wouldn’t have believed it a year ago, when you hear the word “hoverboard,” you probably think of the innovative Lexus design. While it doesn’t follow the definition quite as strictly as Lexus, this one-wheeled Hoverboard by Hoverboard Technologies certainly deserves a closer look. With a unique self-balancing system that utilizes ground-contacting sonar, the big wheel in the middle drives your forward as you lean, brakes as you lean back, and turns as you do, capable of hitting 16mph with a range of nearly 10 miles. The Hoverboard also arrives with LED lights around the edge to help with visibility, weighs in at 25lbs. and comes with a companion app that helps you track your usage, battery life (which charges in just 16 minutes), and health of your board, including a “shutdown” mode to prevent movement if reported stolen. Built on an upgrade-friendly, modular system, the team from Hoverboard Technologies is seeking support on Kickstarter with an expected May 2016 delivery.



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